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How do you know if you have Leaky Gut. About diagnosis and prevention.

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Leaky Gut test

Do you want to know if you have Leaky Gut? Many people do, but single Leaky gut test does not exist yet. There are many tests that need to be done to rule out other possible diseases before one can say for sure that this is it. And there are some suggestive tests that will help Doctor make a diagnosis.

Here is the short list of tests to support Leaky gut disease:

  • Blood cells

  • Liver enzymes and bilirubin

  • Kidney test

  • Antibody titers for infections

  • Tests for chronic bacterial infections

  • Electrolyte and vitamin levels

  • Thyroid function test and thyroid antibody

  • TTg and gliadin antibody together with genetic test for celiac disease

  • Diabetes test

  • Allergy skin prick test for environment and foods

  • Pulmonary function test (PFT)

  • Cardiac enzymes and ECG, stress test

  • Ophthalmology exam

Sometimes imaging tests (CT, MRI) can be used to rule out tumors or other problems.

If most of the tests are inconclusive or normal, then specific tests assessing digestive system can be done:

  1. Test for gut microbiome and digestive function (not approved by conventional medicine).

  2. Gut inulin and IgA

  3. Breath test for SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) (we do not support it)

  4. Test for lactose intolerance

  5. Immunoglobulins and food allergy test (IgG and IgE)

  6. Skin test or patch test for food sensitivities

  7. Test for metal sensitivity

  8. Heavy metal deposits in tissues

  9. Candida sensitivity test

  10. Muscle testing

We prefer Genova Diagnostics tests for most of the tests that we do not do in the ImmuneLine Clinic. Some simple screening tests we can do through Quest Diagnostics (may be covered by your insurance).

If you really want to know if you have Leaky Gut - see our specialist at ImmuneLine!

Dr Kushnir has unbelievable success in diagnosis and treatment of the Leaky Gut for over 15 years. This condition is functional, that is why conventional medicine is helpless. You probably already have a gastroenterologist who suggested colonoscopy or gastroscopy... Unfortunately, just like the name implies, all they can say is "non-specific inflammatory changes", if anything at all. And in some cases, they will do the biopsy and see allergic cells called eosinophils. Then you will get a scary diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis.

And then you will probably receive a sad package of steroids, antibiotics and anti-acid medication. The reason for such a helpless approach is simple - GI docs are trained as surgeons and rarely bother to learn about gut functionality and nutrition. Ask any conventional doctor where Candida lives in the gut - you will see a big question in their eyes! 

At ImmuneLine we not only easily diagnose Leaky Gut, but also treat it and return gut health and the ability to eat a normal diet. This is due to a deep understanding of the underlying root cause, and excellent European education, allowing our specialists to deal with that condition without big questions in mind and helpless prescriptions.


It is very difficult to predict who will develop Leaky gut and when, if ever. As this is a new disease, it is very likely that our lifestyle and environmental exposures are number one factors responsible. Our specialists will give you prevention tips for leaky gut:

  • A good amount of sunlight a day will raise vit D level in skin which is protective in allergy and many other inflammatory problems

  • Healthy organic food will not deliver harmful chemicals into your gut that are capable of ruining the brush border of the intestines 

  • Antibiotics kill not only the bad bugs, but also fragile microbes that are essential for our gut health. Try not to take antibiotics for viral illnesses. If you had to take them – then replenish the good bugs by taking probiotics. 

  • Antifungals and preservatives in foods, fast freezing salts in fish storage, fillers and artificial food components ( corn syrup, gluten, corn solids, sweeteners, taste enhancers etc.) are harmful to the body and can cause gut permeability

  • Exercise gives your cells a good boost and increase blood circulation in the body – without exercise an obesity develops that contributes to inflammatory disorders

Having a day off in nature decreases fatigue and anxiety, rejuvenates your body and increases the pheromones – tiny molecules of happiness in the brain that preserve from inflammation and aging!

Healthy lifestyle prevent leaky gut

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