Leaky gut in kids

In children the most prominent issue comes from the inflammatory reactions in the central nervous system. Leaky Gut in kids can become a source of the whole body inflammation. As the brain connections are growing with the light speed, neurons require lots of nutrients and healthy environment. One of the most related diseases is attention deficit disorder (ADHD). Another – autism. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4892302/
Children who have a significant burden of the inflammation in the body become irritable, listless and just not themselves. Anger and discipline problems usually trigger a counselor or social worker at school to contact parents and start a workup into behavioral disorder through a child psychologist. It is important to connect the unusual behavior with other problems to seek the right help. It is interesting that the dietary changes can dramatically change the child’s attitude returning the “normal self” within just few weeks of avoidance of grains, corn and corn syrup.
Another "give away" of the Leaky Gut in kids is fatigue. You know children should never be tired from normal activities. Their energy production is robust and can replenish used storages within minutes. So, if you see your child taking naps and not wanting to play and run around with other kids, there may be a problem. By all means, chronic fatigue does not affect young children until teenage years. Talk to ImmuneLine specialists if you are concerned about your little one.
One of the first symptoms parents get concerned about is allergy to the environment (pets, dust mites, grasses) and to foods. Most develop all assortment of allergic diseases such as: eczema, allergic conjunctivitis, nasal congestion and ear fluid (Eustachian tube dysfunction), and asthma.
It is important to see ImmuneLine specialists to determine if your child is affected by Leaky Gut. Children have amazing regenerative potential and respond to our treatments fast. Our Nutrition Coach can also recommend brands and products that are safe and delicious. We can also schedule a visit to discuss the dietary requirements for a growing child.