Reproductive Immunology:
Fertility and Pregnancy
Why Reproductive Immunology?
Couples want to have babies primarily due to deep innate desire for parenthood, emotional fulfillment, legacy considerations, biological drives, personal dreams, and the opportunities for companionship and family bonding that children bring into their lives.
Children play a crucial role in fostering companionship and strengthening family bonds. Parents often seek to have children as their continuation, who will accompany them through various stages of life. Building strong family ties and creating lasting memories together are significant reasons why couples aspire to have babies.
But what if things go wrong and after trying for so long nothing happens? Remember, immune system is crucial for the ability to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy.
Over the years we had amazing experience when treating allergy or hyperactive immunity we suddenly were getting big news of a pregnancy or a baby! We looked seriously at our results and formed a treatment regimen with incredible results.

What to Expect From Reproductive Immunology Appointment?
First we need to collect all information about your previous management and diagnosis. For that we need:
Medical records from your primary care office
Medical records from your infertility clinic(s)
Your story. It will be extremely helpful if you summarize your journey to having the baby in a short story with timelines.
Next, we will schedule a consultation appointment where Doctor will decide what type of testing needs to be done. Dependent on what was tested before and your story, we have multiple tests and laboratories we use.
Now, based on the results of the tests Doctor will discuss a treatment plan:
Natural Fertility Boost
Integrative Support of Reproductive Treatment
Pregnancy Support
Miscarriage Treatment
Based on our experience we highly recommend couple treatment.
Get Healthy Baby With Us!
At ImmuneLine you will experience the integrative treatment were spiritual and body treatment give you the ability to have a baby. Our couples love the experience and a result!

Regenerative Dentistry services are individually tailored to your health and condition.
Reproductive Immunology Medicine:

Reproductive immunology medicine is a specialized field that focuses on the interaction between the immune system and reproductive processes, particularly in the context of fertility, pregnancy, and related complications. It focuses on identification and treatment of the immune system functions and components which can impact fertility outcomes, such as infertility, recurrent miscarriages, preterm deliveries, and conditions like pre-eclampsia. Our treatment protocols affect how immune responses support successful conception, implantation, and gestation.
Immune Problems in Fertility: Reproductive immunology addresses various immune-related issues that can lead to infertility, failed IVF procedures, or recurrent pregnancy loss. These problems are categorized from mild (Category 1) to severe (Category 5), encompassing issues like genetic compatibility (HLA), blood clotting problems, autoimmune responses to embryos or sperm antigens, and increased activity of certain immune cells like natural killer (NK) cells.
Diagnostic Testing: Immune testing is crucial in reproductive immunology to identify specific immune factors contributing to fertility challenges. Tests such as DQ alpha testing for genetic compatibility, leukocyte antibody detection for broader compatibility assessment, reproductive immunophenotyping for NK cell presence evaluation, and various cell designation tests are used to pinpoint immune dysregulation.
Integrative Treatment: Natural and Ancient medicine offers treatments for reproductive immunological factors by addressing immune system imbalances through acupuncture, herbal medications, reproductive organ massage, nutrition therapy, and dietary adjustments. These methods aim to restore immune balance and support reproductive health.
Photobiodynamic Treatment: low intensity red laser provides an excellent anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect by stimulation of the immune cells (fibroblasts and macrophages) and naturally reversing chronic pathogenic processes. It was found to activate mitochondria and enhancing cell survival and function. For years PBD was used in orthopedics, pain management and even neurologic treatments. Now a fascinating report opens up the horizons for fertility and pregnancy management. Our clinic purchased one of the best cold red laser and we see a tremendous success.
Immune Reboot: over 10 years our clinic achieves nearly 90% recovery for patients with autoinflammation. This treatment produced healthy spontaneous pregnancies in at least 15 patients, and helped with IVF treatments in many families. Now it is a standard management for fertility and pregnancy support.
In summary, reproductive immunology medicine delves into the intricate relationship between the immune system and reproduction to address fertility challenges and optimize pregnancy outcomes through a combination of inflammation control, spiritual treatment, and overall increase in body functioning.