Allergy is a very common problem. So is infertility. While we think it is not related at all, you might be surprised to learn that it it far from truth. Have you ever thought why my specialty is double - Allergy/Immunology? In fact, allergy is the first sign of the "aggressive" immune system. So let's take a look and see why it is so important to cure allergy to get pregnant.
It's Just a Sneezing, Nothing to Worry About.
Over the years I learned that most of us will not pay attention to the allergy if it's just a sneezing. Even if the sneezing is 20 times in a row. And if it interferes with studies or normal activities. People do take seriously if they have a rash, or a stomach pain. But what is so different about allergy perception? Well, for one, it does not kill. And you can take over-the-counter antihistamine and it gets immediately better. For years people do that every spring, or every time they go to a friend who has a cat. Is this wrong? From a perspective of the Immunologist, I can say definitely and absolutely wrong approach. From my more than 20 years of experience I can tell you:
Not even single person got cured from allergy without treatment
Many people ended up with autoimmune and oncologic problems after years of "just sneezing".
So, Why is it Bad to be Allergic?
If you are coughing and having itchy eyes while your cat is curling on your lap, this is just a tip of the iceberg. If your immune system decided to attack something so innocent, that means it is out of control. Literally, your immune cells decided to override the ancient law of "neutrality". Here is what it means. Immune system is the guardian of our health. It carries three upmost important functions:
Protecting the body from intrusion of bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Surveillance of the organs and tissues for cancer (rapidly dividing) cells and destroying them.
Supporting and guarding reproductive function. Mast cells (which we know as allergic cells) are critical for the baby development and survival.
Cure Allergy to Get Pregnant?

Pregnancy is the most fascinating actions of the immune system. Being overprotective against any foreign intrusions, it allows a baby with a totally different body grow inside. It does so by lowering immune forces and building a "wall of tolerance" around developing fetus. But in some situations, this does not work and immunity does not change after egg merges with sperm, and than either egg cannot attach inside uterus or abortion (or rejection) happens.
So, in the situations when all the fertility studies of the couple are normal, it is reasonable to investigate if there is a problem with aggressive immune system caused by allergy. Every year we have at least 2-3 women who get pregnant by simple treatment of environmental or food allergy. That means at least 20-30 happy babies were delivered over my last 10 years of practice just because their Mom stopped sneezing!
