Sublingual Immunotherapy - SLIT Drops
Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) is a great natural allergy treatment for any symptoms caused by allergens (a substance that causes an allergic reaction.). It is a safe home-based alternative to Allergy shots (subcutaneous immunotherapy) which were administered by the US Allergists in the medical offices for decades. SLIT treatment is prescribed by a few physicians who have specific training and expertise. Research studies found SLIT to be as effective as traditional allergy shots. A huge benefit of SLIT is it’s safety and efficacy, even in kids starting at 3 years old!
What does SLIT Drops work for?
SLIT therapy is an excellent natural cure for environmental allergic inflammation. Its benefits are known in many countries, with Australia and European countries being pioneers more than 70 years ago. Their SLIT therapy has been approved to treat a wide range of environmental allergies including even food allergies. Dr Kushnir has been successfully treating pet, indoor, and environmental allergens (including mold) for over 20 years.
SLIT drops work for a range of conditions and diseases, such as:
Allergic Rhinitis (symptoms are in the nose and sinuses only)
Allergic Eye conditions (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, allergic eczema of the eyelids)
Skin allergies (eczema, atopic dermatitis, hives and itching)
Asthma, Chronic cough and bronchospasm
Migraine and sinus headache
About 20-30% of adults suffer from allergies. Common symptoms include:
Sneezing Runny nose
Increased mucus production
Itchy eyes
Skin rash
Shortness of breath
Seek medical care immediately if you are experiencing difficulty breathing.
What Caused My Allergy?
SLIT drops are made from individual serums specific to the allergens causing your health problem. An allergen is a normal protein surrounding our body, but for you, it triggers an immune attack trying to kill it just like it was a virus. This inflammatory response we call an allergic reaction. This means your immune system is “glitching”. It overdrives normal “neutral” responses and declares war against things that are typically harmless. For example, dust mites and grass are common proteins in our environment but are known for their ability to become allergens. If you inhale these particles, your immune protection system will launch a series of reactions causing inflammation and the release of a substance called histamine. This results in the allergic symptoms many people experience. It is also why antihistamines help patients with allergies.
Can I choose any other treatment to get rid of my allergy?
SLIT is the best available treatment that we use successfully for years. While the Doctor will recommend other measures for immediate help with symptoms, it will only help temporarily and will not stop ongoing inflammation in the body. We do recommend other modalities to improve your overall health, which will help you tolerate SLIT better and achieve faster results. Ask us about Kinesiology treatment, Acupuncture, and Energy works.

How will the Doctor Know which Allergens Need to be in the Prescription?
The best diagnostic test is the allergy skin test when different potential allergens will be applied to the skin on your back and then monitored for a reaction. This is done in our office and takes only 30 min to get the result. We feel it is the most reliable test because:
- It covers every possible mechanism of allergic reaction (immune calls, IgE, and IgG)
- It gives us the ability to test for the California panel or add any allergens that are prominent in other regions
- We can test for custom allergens (a specific dog or cat breed)
- Allergens can be selected individually (mold panel, indoor panel, etc.)
Sometimes, when the skin test is not recommended (The doctor will determine that) we will send you for a blood IgE test. For example, you can order such test from LabCorp for $199. Here is what it will include: Dust Mite (D pteronyssinus), Dust Mite (D farinae), Cat Dander, Dog Dander, Mouse Urine, Bermuda Grass, Kentucky Bluegrass, German Cockroach, White Oak, American Elm, Short Ragweed, Leaf Mold (Alternaria Alternata), English Plantain (Lamb’s Tongue), Sheep Sorrel.
The doctor may advise you to take a NAPT (Nasal Allergen Provocation Test). In this test, the suspected allergens are applied to each nostril.
It is important not to take an antihistamine medication before any of these tests.
Once the allergen(s) has been determined from one of the tests listed above, your provider will customize your SLIT medication. This will come as a tablet or as liquid drops.
How do I subscribe for SLIT treatment?
You will receive the form where your prescription is priced. The price is based on individual serum prices added together in a monthly sum. Sometimes we run promotions, so be sure to ask about it. The Manager will discuss how you want to pay for it – subscription with monthly charges or upfront payment. We care for our patients to have the best treatment, so we do not charge a monthly extra fee when you select the plan.
How is SLIT Administered?
No matter which formulation you receive, SLIT drops are dissolved under the tongue and absorbed through the lining of the mouth and local lymphatic glands. They will come in a dropper BPA-free plastic bottle and will have a color-designated escalation pack which will last you through the first month.
Red-colored bottles are your maintenance treatment and each bottle will last you 1 month. There is an expiration date that will show you when drops will become inactive (provide no treatment benefit). Drops are diluted in glycerin which is an inert carrier and stabilizer. If you had an allergy test and the negative control (glycerin) was non-reactive, you are not allergic to glycerin.
How do I Know if SLIT Drops Allergy Treatment Works?
The minimal time to see if you respond to SLIT is 3-6 months, so the minimal first order you can place is 3 months. Drops can be mailed to you or picked up after you will receive the call that the prescription is ready. You will need to order refills when your last bottle has about 1/3 liquid left to get your order on time.
Your first dose of SLIT medication will be taken in our office (or during a Telemedicine appointment) where you will be coached on correct use. After this, you will be able to take the medication at home. It is very important to adhere to our instructions on when and how often to take the drops. Missed or incorrect doses will negatively impact your results and may cause your treatment to fail.
Similar to allergy shots, treatment takes 3 to 5 years to restore normal immune response and get rid of allergic symptoms. After starting the treatment, you will see the first improvement within 3-6 weeks. Then you will gradually be able to expose your body to increased amounts of the allergen. The goal is to desensitize your immune system’s response to these allergens.
Does SLIT have any side effects?
Most patients react well to SLIT. The most common adverse reactions are swelling of the mouth, tongue, or lip, throat irritation, nausea, and abdominal pain. If any of these symptoms occur, your dose might be too high. Talk to the doctor or staff – it is easy to adjust the dose so you will have a good treatment effect but no unpleasant feeling.
SLIT does not interfere with other treatments and can be taken safely during pregnancy. It is easy to store at a wide range of temperatures (from 0 to 90 F), so you can take it anywhere you go in your purse. We advise you to store bottles that you do not use in the refrigerator for longevity and safety.
SLIT drops are a great choice for kids. It works quickly and can return the immune system to a normal non-reactive state much faster. On average, we recommend 1-3 years of treatment for children below 9 years old.
Overall, SLIT Drops is one of the best solution to allergy. We do not ever recommend to get rid of pets, and even encourage to get new furry friends. SLIT works great for people who spend a lot of time outdoors - we have seasonal drops and all-year-round treatments. It is one of the simple treatments which can return immune system back to health, so it can fulfil the protective functions (such as cancer surveillance). I have a great success with this treatment, and our patients share their stories. You deserve to have a better life too!

References Recent advances in allergic rhinitis.
Hoyte FCL, Nelson HS.F1000Res. 2018 Aug 23;7:F1000 Faculty Rev-1333. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.15367.1. eCollection 2018.PMID: 30210782
Campo P, Eguiluz-Gracia I, Bogas G, Salas M, Plaza Serón C, Pérez N, Mayorga C, Torres MJ, Shamji MH, Rondon C.Clin Exp Allergy. 2019 Jan;49(1):6-16. doi: 10.1111/cea.13192. Epub 2018 Jul 5.PMID: 29900607
Saporta D. J Environ Public Health. 2012. PMID: 22523505