Let’s discuss the integrative medicine – a new emerging field that is getting very popular. Both Eastern and Western medical doctors successfully diagnose and treat their patients, while there are fundamental differences in approaches. Integrative medicine doctors elect to be trained in both “schools” and learn the best methods of two worlds. In fact, centers for integrative medicine existed for a while in many countries, and the name was given to this approach just to make it distinct from other traditional clinics.
So, why is Conventional medicine helpless at fixing chronic illness? It is simply because of dysfunctional concept of "separation of the organs from the whole body". Western medicine approach is targeted to specific symptoms patient complains about. Since medical school there is anti-integrational approach in training gastroenterologist, cardiologist, psychiatrist etc to focus just on one body system. As such, medications (pharmacotherapy)and surgery are the only options they have to fix a specific issue.

Well, Eastern medicine (Naturopathic, Chinese, Alternative, and Complimentary) regards the whole body treatment as a whole integral system without separation of mind-body diseases. As such, treatment is directing on restoring self-repair and integrity of the body with help of Nature itself. Traditional Eastern medicine is powerful, as it seeks the root of the disease. Once a diagnosis reveals the problem that was not fixed on time, now an appropriate complex treatment is selected.
Integrative medicine might not give you enough results right away. Patience and compliance are the key to full recovery and healing. And of course, you need to find the doctor you trust! Integrative medicine doctors are rare – it is indeed extraordinary for one person to be trained and to fully accept both Eastern and Western medicines. You probably know about as there are some global differences in understanding body functioning, and two Medicines hate each other. Integrative doctors are by default very open-minded, and are the best to solve complicated medical problems not otherwise well-understood, or even considered not treatable by conventional medicine.

Each center for integrative medicine has unique natural treatment protocols, and may use experimental approaches and medicines that doctor believes in and has unique training. That means some clinics will address all aspects of health, or only a spectrum of unique diseases. Most have a team of professionals with various specialties guided by recommendations and treatment plans of the doctor: nutritionist, acupuncturist, chiropractor, masseuse, herbalist, and beautician. Here you can get a variety of health improvement programs designed for long-term recovery or balancing of health.
Prepare for out of pocket expenses as rarely such services are covered with medical insurances. Nevertheless – integrative clinics are extremely popular and you should be ready for 2-3 month wait for the first appointment. Integrative primary care clinics will see patients on the contracts of concierge medicine, while specialty consultants will also have pricing for single appointments.
Who may need integrative treatments? People with complicated diseases and syndromes, undiagnosed problems, chronic diseases and disabilities, healthy people who want to live better and longer life, patients who do not like taking medicines, or who want to come off serious medicines that cause side effect and try alternative treatments instead.
It is hard to find a really professional and knowledgeable doctor nowadays, so you should look for unique features of the practice and overall qualifications of the physician who runs the practice. Also, read more on alternative medicine.
