Reboot Diet
Weight loss Diet
Chronic Fatigue Diet
Long COVID Diet
What is so good about steamed veggies?
Steamed veggies is a nice every day recipe that is easy to cook and yummy to eat. It can be personalized base on what is in season, or which vegetables you like. Vegetables are good for you for several reasons. They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are important for maintaining overall health and well-being. Vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great choice for weight management and digestive health.
Eating a variety of vegetables can also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, vegetables provide a source of phytochemicals that have been shown to have various health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Overall, including a variety of vegetables in your diet can help support a healthy lifestyle and promote optimal health.
This dish will fit variety of the diet plans we use to heal chronic conditions because steaming will ease up digestive process, but keep vitamins intact. Remember, cooking veggies at high temperature, in oils, and for a long period of time can destroy many heat-sensitive bio-active molecules, such as vitamins and bioflavonoids. On the other hand, raw food "scrapes" the gut and can re-injure inflamed parts where mucin is absent.
The amount of each vegetable is variable and depends on the size of your steamer. This is because it is best not to overlap veggies while they are steaming. We suggest:
2 medium size carrots
1 medium leek cut in 1 inch pieces
1 fennel root cut in quarters
1 broccoli head cut in smaller pieces
5 mushrooms cut in quarters
1 table spoon of olive oil or butter
pinch salt and pepper to taste
Prepare the steamer by adding water to the lower compartment and getting it to boil. We recommend a simple 3-layer steamer sold by every Asian supermarket. Wash all veggies and cut them. Carefully load them into steamer and set the timer for 10 min. Add or subtract time based on the veggies - poke them with the fork to make sure they are soft but not falling apart.
Steamed veggies can be served with oil or butter, and salted/peppered to your liking. This is also a based ingredient for many Asian dishes we will describe.
Enjoy freshly steamed goodness right away, or store it for later. You can make small portions and freeze it for later if you are on the Cleanse diet.
Stay tuned for more ImmuneLine healthy recipes written or approved by Doctor.