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Hyper-Active Immunity. Crazy symptoms!

Writer's picture: immunelineimmuneline

Updated: May 14, 2024

People are looking for dignosis

What is wrong with me? My doctor has no clue.

Large proportion of people coming in distress to my practice have no diagnosis. And that would not be a problem for them if not Google Doc - the one who tell you how many scary diseases present with your symptoms. "If doctors do not know what I have that means I am dying from some cancer they cannot diagnose yet. I read leukemia starts with fatigue and leg pains..."

The unknown is terrifying and that fear drives more symptoms in, sometimes disabling a person. An hour later same patient who was barely walking into my office comes out with a wide smile and assured look on the face - ready for action and recovery. Was it a miracle? Not at all - simple words of assurance and explanation of the crazy symptoms do the job. "I see it a lot. Your crazy symptoms caused by hyper-active immunity. And it is easy to fix!" So, lets take a look at the real explanation.


Your immune system plays the vital role of distinguishing inner body as “self” from everything outside which is “non-self.” When your immune system encounters a stressor or foreign substance, whether it is a toxin, virus, or inflammatory food (such as GMO corn and soy), it sends out its line of defense (lymphocytes and macrophages) to protect you. Now, this line of defense should be called to the rescue only under special occasions, when you are really in trouble.

Normal immune system protects us from intruders such as viruses and bacteria

If all is well, the immune system is designed not to attack unless it is truly necessary. The immunity logic is to have tolerance to the proteins of the environment which we come into contact with on a daily basis. We want the immune system to be aggressive to certain proteins which can cause us harm, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins. It is an amazing system of peaceful co-existence between human body and environment. And it is when the balance is disturbed the illness begins. If the immune system is weak, we can become susceptible to cancer and infections. If the immune system in the state of war, we can develop an autoimmune disease. We really need that sacred “sweet spot,” where the immune system maintains peace and comes to our defense when we actually need it to.

What Exactly Happens When Immune System is Hyperactive?

Essentially, your immune system stops distinguishing “self” from “non-self” and can mistakenly think that the enemy is you. Consequently, it may start to attack your own tissues and organs, resulting in autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Multiple Sclerosis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and Ulcerative Colitis, among many


The immune system is composed of the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. Think of the innate immune system is your very own emergency crew. It involves a T-helper 1 response and is meant to act swiftly and quickly in order to protect your precious self from bad guys like bacteria, viruses, and parasites. In the process, many actors can be involved in this theater of war, such as mast cells, macrophages, reactive oxygen species, and natural killer cells. These guys are as tough as they sound. The innate immune system is powerful, efficient, and ruthless.

The adaptive immune system is slower to act and has a specific target. Think of it as the more contemplative line of defense, which strategically seeks out and attacks a certain enemy. The adaptive immune system involves a T-helper 2 response and is where the more nuanced reactions to foods and environmental allergies come into play (and I know how much you just adore those itchy rashes and runny noses). It is here that the leading actors are the antibodies IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE (true allergies), as well as T- and B- lymphocytes.

immune cells communicate through local molecules and hormones

The functioning of the immune system will depend on your overall health, including local paracrine factors and endocrine system.

If you are out of that delicate state of balance (fancy term is homeostasis) where your immune system responds correctly at the correct time, you can experience a variety of symptoms and serious conditions. At one end of the spectrum, we have low immunity, which may lead to chronic infections and different cancers. At the other end of the spectrum, we lose our level of tolerance and experience a hyperactive immune system. others.


What does Leaky Gut Have to Do With Hyper-Active Immunity?

Of course, to say that a hyperactive immune system is simply a matter of your immune system being out of control is simplifying things by a lot. There are many nuances involved that are beyond the scope of this article. The point is that a hyperactive immune system is not JUST your immune system going loco. It can also be explained as a loss of tolerance. Our bodies can lose tolerance when we are facing a very high total load – a series of stressors that can be emotional, biochemical, and/or allergic. When a high total load is combined with Leaky Gut Syndrome and systemic inflammation, the chances of immune system dysfunction are more likely.


Keep in mind that what will trigger the onset of an autoimmune disease is unique for each person. Also, just because you have the genetic predisposition for a certain autoimmune disease does not mean that you are necessarily destined to experience it. Also, you can have a hyperactive immune system without necessarily having a formal diagnosis of an autoimmune disease(s). If you experience chronic fatigue, food allergies & sensitivities, anxiety & depression, skin problems, digestive issues, all is not well. The goal is for you to feel amazing and be at your best, not merely exist in a state of “eh.”

Tell Me Please That Autoimmunity Can Be Stopped! 

The takeaway for this post is that it is very hard to break immune tolerance. But once the total load of triggers you expose yourself is high enough, it is likely you will set the stage for leaky gut, systemic inflammation, and self-attack (autoimmunity). It might seem overwhelming on where to start if you want to bring your body back to balance. It is important to address everything at once, and work on the factors that upset your immune cells to remove them right away.

Focusing on healing your gut via an anti-inflammatory diet, switching to clean makeup and household products, including a form of movement you enjoy, and working on the health of your relationships will be effective preventative and therapeutic measures. Dietary and lifestyle measures might include a customized elimination diet to curb inflammation and enrich your plate with colorful, anti-inflammatory foods, supporting your body with targeted supplements, such as L-glutamine, quercetin, and probiotics, and including time for rest and relaxation with family and friends, preferably in nature.

Is There a Magic Protocol That Will Fix My Immune System? 

At ImmuneLine we have a variety of tricks in a pocket. We use universal Tibet healing systems of cleanse and reboot to stop destructive immune cells and re-educate them to full tolerance and peace. Of course, as I will repeat over and over until you are allergic to hearing it (and of course I will gleefully repeat it again after that), every body is different, and what works for one person might not be effective for you. That is why there is NO single "protocol" that fits all. One person might do well with eating more cruciferous vegetables to support liver detoxification, while another person might not tolerate foods like broccoli and cauliflower until her/his gut has done some good old healing.

Also, there is no single perfect protocol that will necessarily address all of your health goals at once. It might take a variety of approaches and working closely with a knowledgeable and experienced team of experts at ImmuneLine whom you trust. However, diet and lifestyle can go a long way and certainly provide the foundation for your customized life-long health plan. As you work on curbing inflammation and healing your gut, you will also support your immune system and restore health.

Patient discussing diagnosis of hyper-active immune system with functional immunologist


The above information is meant for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with your physician before trying any regimen or supplement protocol.


Bauman, E. (2017). Immune & autoimmune health. Lecture 2. Autoimmunity: Goals & therapy. Rheumatoid arthritis. Systemic lupus erythematosus. [PowerPoint slides].

Lipski, L. (2013). Digestion connection: The simple, natural plan to combat diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, acid reflux – and more! (direct mail edition).  Rodale Inc.

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